
How to Make Cold Porcelain Without Cooking

Alternative recipe from Heidy Jackson for making cold porcelain modeling paste the easy way ....No stove, No microwave, No Vaseline, No glycerin!!


  1. I'm sorry but I have a hearing problem and did not understand the names of the ingredients. Is there a written "recipe" for the video above>????

    1. I took this list of ingredients from video (I haven't tried this yet myself, so I can't say if recipe may need some adjusting.)

      corn starch: 1 and half cup
      school glue: 1 cup
      white vinegar: 1 Tblspoon
      cooking oil (olive oil) or baby oil: 1 Tblspoon
      body lotion: 1 teaspoon

    2. thanks, my hearing aids went on a short "vacation" and I couldn't hear a thing she said. plus, I have a terrible time with accents. My French Canadian friends think I'm terribly "slow" LOL

    3. For another good recipe check out Sangeeta Shah at www.everlastingblooms.webs.com. She cooks her cold porcelain in the microwave and there is no need to cover the finished item in nail polish. I actually never heard of this before. Her website is very nice with a tutorial on how to make the cold porcelain. She also shows a lot of beautiful flower arrangements that she made. She has been doing this for a long time and there are newspaper articles about her work. Hope you enjoy her website.

    4. Sangeeta does very lovely work, She is a long-time member of our Yahoo Group. Her microwave recipe (& video) is on our recipe page and is the recipe I use most often. She also has other recipes that are used for specific purposes. Note that you don't need to coat finished objects with nail polish but all cold porcelain should be sealed with something. It will protect both the clay and the paint from water damage and dirt. I prefer a matte spray sealer.

    5. corn starch: 1 and half cup
      school glue: 1 cup
      white vinegar: 1 Tblspoon
      1 Tablspoon cooking oil
      1 teaspoon body lotion
      Here you go

    6. Can I use this to make s life size santa face? Maybe shape and mold it over a styrofoam mannequin head?

    7. Just reading responses on this page. I have yet to make or use cold porcelain yet;BUT I would love to see the sanra face if it turns out.

    8. just turn on the cc on below the screen and you will get subtitles

    9. Corn starch is that potato flour or??

  2. Great video I will be trying it soon. I watched the video 3 times so I could write down the ingredients. Thank you so much for something so easy. Gin Derk

  3. I really enjoyed watching the video. I haven't tired yet I just now watched the video. but I like the fact no cooking. my other cold porcelian cracked before I could get anything done. and some even started with mold. I am anxious to try this and make some of your prodjects. I have all your tutorials saved to a folder so when I start to make my things. thank you for putting this in english. your work is awesome.love it.

  4. no one ans. my inquiry-------------can I use this to repair a small crack in a china teapot lid>

    1. Please see answer where question was originally posted. http://coldporcelaintutorials.blogspot.com/2010/08/recipes-to-make-your-own-cold-porcelain.html

    2. This would never hold anything china made, together. China goes into a kiln and scinters at a high temperature.

    3. This would never hold anything china made, together. China goes into a kiln and scinters at a high temperature.

    4. Porn Stars? Really? Lol. Thank you for writing the recipe down because I really couldn't understand her.

  5. Thanks for sharing! Can I use cold porcelain for the jar mushroom house project?
    The fact that it needs no cooking and the fact that it can be coloured even with food colouring makes it very appealing. However, will it stuck on the glass jar?

    1. Hi, Sorry I missed seeing your question ...hope you found answer. Link you left no longer works so I didn't see jar tutorial but CP is often used to make jar toppers...see http://coldporcelaintutorials.blogspot.com/search/label/Jar%20and%20Box%20Toppers

  6. Hi thank you for this video, it is very good. I tried this out today. . .did not turn out as well as yours. It got stuck to my hands and took a while to get off. I want to put emphasis on using a lot of corn starch when kneading it. I think not using enough corn starch is where I went wrong. I may try this again in the future, thank you for the tutorial :)

  7. Thank you for the demonstration. I look forward to trying my hand at this....xox

  8. Great video....easy to follow. I will have to try this soon!

  9. i made one but it cracks...

    1. There's a number of reasons for cracking...such as object dried too fast or CP paste wasn't kneaded enough before starting. You can patch cracks by thinning some paste and filling cracks with it.

  10. Can this recipe be doubled or tripled?

    1. It would probably be better to make batch using quantities in recipe and then make a second batch if more CP is needed. It is much easier to knead the smaller batches and proper kneading is needed to prevent cracks.

  11. Very nice tutorial. Why is it that some artists "cook" the CP and some don't? I don't understand the reasoning behind cooking it if you don't have to.

    1. Some make oven bake porcelain which shrinks more while other decide to use no heat cold porcelain which turns out nicer and larger

    2. Thank you so much. Much what is your recipe?

  12. do i have do nail polishing what happens if i dont

    1. I've personally never used nail polish as a top coat, however CP and all air dry clays should be protected from dirt and dampness with a top coat/sealer. I prefer a matte spray.

  13. hi..nice tut..but why do most people cook if its not really needed?

    1. Personal preference. Each recipe results in slightly different clay.

  14. I do have a question though: I once made unsuccessful CP with the cooking method - it was undercooked and too stretchy, I then cooked it more and it because too hard and not malleable. In the video the clay looked like my too stretchy version (it wouldn't hold shape in the this state), so my question is, does this recipe harden up some as it 'dries' in the plastic wrap?

  15. Probably not enough to compensate for not enough cooking. I usually use microwave method and haven't had much trouble.

  16. Hello everyone! I have a few new recipes for cold porcelain! http://anri-irene.blogspot.hu

  17. Thank you. Could you please post a direct link to the 'new' recipe?

  18. Of course! There are several pieces =))) : http://anri-irene.blogspot.hu/2015/04/blog-post_23.html , http://anri-irene.blogspot.hu/2015/03/12032015.html , http://anri-irene.blogspot.hu/2015/03/blog-post_28.html, http://anri-irene.blogspot.hu/2015/03/blog-post_27.html ,

  19. Can this be used in candy molds and removed before drying?

  20. Hello, I really like your video. It´s simple to understand and now I am looking forward to do this clay. It´s amazing idea! Thank you :)

  21. Can you use mod podge instead of the nealpolish?

  22. Can you use mod podge instead of the nealpolish?

  23. Gracias ,hice exactamente lo que dijiste , las medidas y todo estubo a la perfeccion.

  24. Thank you so much for this lovely tutorial :)

  25. oh my gosh you are soo amazing :) Thankyou for sharing Godbless :)

  26. Hmmm. Anyone know where I can get some porn stars? Lol just kidding I was watching the video and it had captions. The caption said porn star instead of cornstarch lmao. I had a good laugh. Anyway thanks for the recipe!

  27. I made the non-cook recipe and it was to soft, added more cornstarch and now is cracking, this is driving me crazy!
    Can anyone can tell me how to fix this?
    Thanks for your help

    1. Possibly more kneading was needed before adding extra cornstarch or use a different glue (high quality white glue).

  28. When it dries is it waterproof?

  29. What a great tutorial! Thank you for sharing!

  30. what was the flour amount used? looking forward to trying this. thank you for a nice video.

  31. Okay now I've learned how to make cold porcelain somebody want to tell me what I got to do with it now I mean I have absolutely no clue what you would use it for it would have been nice as she would have told us what it's for it's not for eating I assume

    1. Are you serious Clayborn? Most people start out with ideas for something they want to create and then they figure out how to make the cold porcelain. This website has pages and pages of tutorials and ideas for creating stuff with cold porcelain ...Christmas decor, Dolls, Figures, Jar Toppers, Miniatures, Ornaments, Magnets...good luck!

  32. I used the cooked porcelain recipe and really liked it. This sounds even better. I will definitely try this. Thank you.

  33. Mine came out pretty dry, I kept adding oil, lotion and even glue. I hope I did the right thing..

  34. Please don’t call this porcelain. It’s white modeling medium. Period.

  35. Has anyone tried this with the clear school glue? I have extra from an old project and I'm wondering if it would work.

  36. I've been making cold porcelain on the microwave for quite a few years. In the beginning I tried many recipes and never got the right consistency. Finally I came upon the one that worked best for me. It used Stearine Flakes. I made sculptures and pesonalized cake toppers with them. See recipe here: http://www.primaginecreations.com/cold-porcelain-clay
    CP does shrink that's why it has a tendency to crack. The amount of water in the recipe and the type of glue can make it crack more or less (never use washable school glue! Too runny!). The great thing about CP is that you can work in layers. You can add to the cracks, sand it, file it, polish, paint it or leave it as is...

  37. Hi thank u so much for posting My video here♥ Its been lovely to read the comments.

  38. hi, I have used this in the past, and it works brilliantly. Some times the porcelain is cold and more difficult to use. so keep your porcelain in a plastic bag, strangely but it does work, is to sit on the bag with the porcelain in it. The body heat will body warms the porcelain and makes it more manipulable. I have used this method for a long time and in work shops. good video, nice and easy to follow straightforward

  39. I tried making this and using it very unsuccessfully. It cracks very easily while drying. I live in the tropics and the humidity causes it to go mouldy within two days while it is wet and the results went mouldy in a month after I made things.

  40. <a href="https://etaleya.com/%d8%b4%d8%b1%d9%83%d8%a9-%d8%aa%d9%86%d8%b8%d9%8a%d9%81-%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%a7%d8%ad%d8%b3%d8%a7%d8%a1


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