

How to Make a Double Rose

In the following video, the well-known cold porcelain artist from Argentina, Jorge Rubicce, shows us another technique for creating realistic roses using cold porcelain. We've previously featured a few of Jorge's videos where he shows us how to make roses, but, this time, he shows us how to create a double petal rose, sometimes called a wild rose.

You will need some artificial stamens and floral wire, a roller or other means to create a flat sheet of cold porcelain, a petal cutter, a texture plate for veining, a ball-ended tool and a spongy surface to work on. Pre-tint your cold porcelain in a color of your choice.   Jorge also uses a small knitting needle-type tool to thin and flute the petal edges.  At the  beginning it looks like he dips the stamens in a little bit of white glue and then a little petal dust to create the stamen effect.

This video is from the South American TV show "Bienvenidas" (Welcome). Fast forward to 20:48 for the Jorge Rubicce segment. If you don't understand the language, just mute the video and follow along visually as he demonstrates each step in rose creation. Jorge does a great job of clearly showing each step of the process.

I'm often asked where you can buy some of the tools shown in these videos.   Amazon is a great source and here's a sampling of tools similar to those used in above video.

The petal cutters in above sets have 5 petals for rose, the set below has 6 petals!



  1. Although I'm not fluent in Spanish, I did much enjoy Jorge's beautiful roses. I plan to try his techniques and join him in the beauty of porcelain roses,

  2. ciao...complimenti per il ti va passa da me


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