

How to Model the Head of a Doll or Figure

Today we have another demonstration in a series of instructional videos from Marisol Romero about cold porcelain. Marisol Romero is a cold porcelain artist from Argentina, where this medium is very popular.

Many air-dry clay projects call for Styrofoam shapes as armatures for figure modeling  In the following video, while at a craft show, Marisol shows us how to wrap a foam ball and model the head of a doll or figure.  She also demonstrates her method for creating eyes, which are normally painted on.


Painting a Cute Rabbit with Acrylics

Step by step photos on how to paint a cold porcelain (biscuit) figure using dimensional shading techniques.
Below is rabbit BEFORE being painted.


Make this Pink & White Cat

Keep reading for step-by-step photos to create this cute kitten.


Face Modeling Video

This is a very good video demonstration of how to model a cute face in cold porcelain.  You may not understand the language (just mute it) but the important she uses her fingers to shape the face....are very clear.   Note that the eyes are painted on later and are not part of the face shaping, this simplifies the modeling.