Alternative recipe from Heidy Jackson for making cold porcelain modeling paste the easy way ....No stove, No microwave, No Vaseline, No glycerin!!
CP Tips from Marisol
Marisol Romero |
What is Cold Porcelain? Cold Porcelain (CP) is a modeling compound that is composed of white glue and cornstarch. The recipe for cold porcelain is quite simple and it can be made or home or purchased commercially. CP is a material that can be modeled in small volumes and large. Its characteristics are softness, whiteness and elasticity. CP is known throughout the world, in every region or country, by many different names. Besides Cold Porcelain, it is known as Porcelana Fria, Masa Flexible, Biscuit, and Pasta di Mais among others.
See this page for recipes and how to make Cold Porcelain video. If you make your own dough, keep in mind that, to be of good quality, the ingredients you use should also be good quality.
Marisol Romero is a cold porcelain artist from Argentina, where this medium is very popular. On her website she shares some of her cold porcelain tips. Below are some of her tips translated to English as best as we can!