

How to Stretch and Flatten Cold Porcelain Paste

Cold porcelain and other air-dry clays can be flattened into thin sheets using a pasta machine, but sometimes you need a larger sheet or even something thicker than you can get with the pasta machine.    The following video from Marisol Romero shows how to roll and flatten cold porcelain paste using a roller and thickness guides. While


How to Use CP to Wrap Two Foam Balls Together

Today we have another demonstration in a series of instructional videos from Marisol Romero about cold porcelain.   Many air-dry clay projects call for Styrofoam shapes as armatures for figure modeling and sometimes, instead of a simple ball, you need a larger, oblong shape or double spheres.   In the following video, Marisol shows how to tape 2 Styrofoam balls together and wrap both with cold porcelain (or other air-dry clay) and


How to Wrap a Foam Ball with CP Extensions

Wrapped ball with double extensions
Many air-dry clay projects call for Styrofoam shapes as armatures for figure modeling. We've featured a few different videos (see Labels "Styrofoam") showing the proper way to wrap a Styrofoam ball with cold porcelain (without getting cracks or trapped air).     In the following video, Marisol Romero shows us how to wrap a ball that includes extra cold


How to Wrap a Styrofoam Half-Sphere With CP

Ladybug made with foam ball cut in half
Many air-dry clay projects call for Styrofoam shapes as armatures for figure modeling. Quite a few people have mentioned they are having trouble covering the foam with clay without getting cracks or trapped air. We've previously featured videos on covering foam