

Marisol's Cold Porcelain Recipe

Stovetop Method

Cold Porcelain is a "clay" or paste that can be made at home and is composed of white glue and cornstarch.  Cold porcelain is known throughout the world by many different names. It is also known as porcelana fria,  masa flexible,  biscuit, pasta di mais, among others.   It is soft, white and flexible and can be modeled into small figures or large.  Hard and durable when cured.

Cold porcelain requires no baking to cure and air-dries at room temperature.  As it dries, it will lose 15% to 20% of the original volume and this shrinkage must be considered when modeling.

Marisol Romero of  Porcelana Fria Paso a Paso has created the following 2-part video demonstration showing her stovetop method for preparing the cold porcelain paste.   There are many other recipes for cold porcelain, including microwave recipes.  Which one to use depends on your own experience and what you will be making with the cold porcelain. Some recipes are softer, some harder, some more flexible or rigid.    See our Recipes page for a few other recipes and try a few different ones to see which you are most comfortable with.

Happy St Patrick's Day

PaddysDay is a celebration of the Irish spirit in humor, art and music .   The Irish sense of humor and gift of gab is legendary and we've gathered a bit o' blarney to share with you. In addition to the jokes and folklore, you'll find a collection of Irish music lyrics, greetings and blessings plus graphics to copy and enjoy at Paddy'sDay.  


How to Make an Elf Pendant

Today we have another excellent 3-part video demo from Marisol Romero, showing us, step-by step, how to make a friendly Elf pendant (or shelf sitter), using cold porcelain. Marisol is speaking Spanish in these 3 videos but, even if you don't understand what she is saying, you should be able to follow along easily. Every step is clearly shown.


Make This Cute Easter Bunny

Create a cold porcelain Easter bunny by following this 3-part, step-by-step tutorial from Karin at Artisan Life.

Note: Tutorial is in Portuguese If your browser doesn't automatically translate the page, try Google Translate.